1198 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2003 : 12:39:51
Возможно. Нужно использовать адресацию по индексам и проверку на CellsSRCExists Примерно так:
Sub ttt() iShapeCount = ActivePage.Shapes.Count s = "" For i = 1 To iShapeCount Set shpObj = ActivePage.Shapes(i) s = s & shpObj.Name & " --> " 'visCustPropsLabel visCustPropsPrompt 'visCustPropsSortKey visCustPropsType 'visCustPropsFormat visCustPropsValue 'visCustPropsInvis visCustPropsAsk For j = 0 To 7 If shpObj.CellsSRCExists(visSectionProp, visRowProp + j, visCustPropsLabel, True) Then Set CellObj = shpObj.CellsSRC(visSectionProp, visRowProp + j, visCustPropsLabel) s = s & CellObj.ResultStr(0) Set CellObj = Nothing End If Next Set shpObj = Nothing Next MsgBox s End Sub