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 Удалить quotation marks
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88 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2005 :  18:01:09
Скажем, вот такой код:

Dim str as String
str = shpSomeShape.Cells("Prop.Some_prop").Formula
MsgBox str

В переменной str записываются также quotation marks из формулы, которые мне абсолютно не нужны. Как их не получать или удалять?


88 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2005 :  18:26:38
В принципе сделал так:
jobFrom = Mid(shp.Cells("Prop.Job_name").Formula, 2, Len(shp.Cells("Prop.Job_name").Formula) - 2)
                        jobSuffixFrom = Mid(shp.Cells("Prop.Job_suffix").Formula, 2, Len(shp.Cells("Prop.Job_suffix").Formula) - 2)
                        tableFrom = Mid(shp.Cells("Prop.Table_name").Formula, 2, Len(shp.Cells("Prop.Table_name").Formula) - 2)
                        hldFrom = Mid(shp.Cells("Prop.Hld").Formula, 2, Len(shp.Cells("Prop.Hld").Formula) - 2)
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1198 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2005 :  19:27:25
Не получать нельзя.
Для удаления Visio 2003 SDK предлагает следующую функцию (хотя я для простоты часто пользуюсь обычным Replace(String, CHR(34), "") )

' modFormulaToString / FormulaToString.bas
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

' This file contains code that converts a Visio formula to a string.

Public Function FormulaStringToString(ByVal strFormula As String) As String
' FormulaStringToString
' Abstract - The FormulaStringToString function is used to format a
' Visio formula value as a standard string.
' Remarks: The strFormula[U] methods return the strFormula as entered in
' the shapesheet. Therefore, string formulas are wrapped
' in quote marks and an extra quote char is used when it is
' desired to place a quote character within a strFormula string.
' Parameters
' strFormula The value returned from a call
' to the strFormula[U] property of a cell object.
' Return Value Converted string (If an error occurs with the
' conversion, an empty string is returned.)
Const ONE_QUOTE As String = """"
Const TWO_QUOTES As String = """"""

Dim strConvertedFormula As String
Dim strFirstCharacter As String
Dim strLastCharacter As String
Dim intStringLength As Integer

On Error GoTo FormulaStringToString_Err

'Initialize the converted strFormula from the value passed in.
strConvertedFormula = strFormula

intStringLength = Len(strFormula)
strFirstCharacter = Mid(strFormula, 1, 1)
strLastCharacter = Mid(strFormula, intStringLength, 1)

' Check if this strFormula[U] value is a quoted string.
' If it is, remove extra quote characters.
If (strFirstCharacter = ONE_QUOTE And _
strLastCharacter = ONE_QUOTE) Then

' Remove the wrapping quote characters as well as any
' extra quote marks in the body of the string.
strConvertedFormula = Mid(strFormula, 2, (intStringLength - 2))
strConvertedFormula = Replace(strConvertedFormula, _
End If


FormulaStringToString = strConvertedFormula

Exit Function


'Return a empty string if error occurs.
strConvertedFormula = ""

'Display the error.
Debug.Print Err.Description

Resume FormulaStringToString_End

End Function
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88 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2005 :  12:45:23
Спасибо, но, видимо, действительно ваш и даже мой способы лучше - хотя бы короче.
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