мда. прошляпил (( но похоже получилось
единственное не знаю как бы поизящней в начале сделать. "Select Case k" кусок как то неоптимально смотрится.
Public Function ConnectedCells(ByVal sh As Visio.Shape)
Dim strFrom(), strTo() As String
Dim vsoConnectTo(), vsoConnectFrom() As Visio.Shape
Dim intCounter, extCounter As Integer
intCounter0 = 0
extCounter0 = 0
For k = 0 To 1
Select Case k
Case 0
Set vsoConnects = sh.Connects
Case 1
Set vsoConnects = sh.FromConnects
End Select
'For each connection, get the shape it connects to
'and the part of the shape it connects to,
'and print that information in the Immediate window.
For intCounter = intCounter0 To (intCounter0 + vsoConnects.Count - 1)
ReDim Preserve strTo(intCounter + 1), vsoConnectTo(intCounter + 1)
Debug.Print vsoConnects.Count & " " & intCounter
Set vsoConnect = vsoConnects(intCounter - intCounter0 + 1)
Set vsoConnectTo(intCounter) = vsoConnect.ToSheet
intToData = vsoConnect.ToPart
If intToData = visConnectError Then
strTo(intCounter) = "error"
ElseIf intToData = visNone Then
strTo(intCounter) = "none"
ElseIf intToData = visGuideX Then
strTo(intCounter) = "guideX"
ElseIf intToData = visGuideY Then
strTo(intCounter) = "guideY"
ElseIf intToData = visWholeShape Then
strTo(intCounter) = "dynamic glue"
ElseIf intToData >= visConnectionPoint Then
strTo(intCounter) = "connection point " & _
CStr(intToData - visConnectionPoint + 1)
strTo(intCounter) = "???"
End If
'Print the name and part of the shape the
'Connect object connects to.
' Debug.Print "To " & vsoConnectTo(intCounter).Name & " " & strTo(intCounter) & "."
Next intCounter
intCounter0 = intCounter
'For each connection, get the shape it originates from
'and the part of the shape it originates from,
'and print that information in the Immediate window.
For extCounter = extCounter0 To extCounter0 + vsoConnects.Count - 1
ReDim Preserve strFrom(extCounter + 1), vsoConnectFrom(extCounter + 1)
Set vsoConnect = vsoConnects(extCounter - extCounter0 + 1)
Set vsoConnectFrom(extCounter) = vsoConnect.FromSheet
intFromData = vsoConnect.FromPart
'Debug.Print "vsoFrom " & vsoConnectFrom(extCounter).Name
'FromPart property values
If intFromData = visConnectError Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "error"
ElseIf intFromData = visNone Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "none"
ElseIf intFromData = visLeftEdge Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "left"
ElseIf intFromData = visCenterEdge Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "center"
ElseIf intFromData = visRightEdge Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "right"
ElseIf intFromData = visBottomEdge Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "bottom"
ElseIf intFromData = visMiddleEdge Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "middle"
ElseIf intFromData = visTopEdge Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "top"
ElseIf intFromData = visBeginX Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "beginX"
ElseIf intFromData = visBeginY Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "beginY"
ElseIf intFromData = visBegin Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "begin"
ElseIf intFromData = visEndX Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "endX"
ElseIf intFromData = visEndY Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "endY"
ElseIf intFromData = visEnd Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "end"
ElseIf intFromData >= visControlPoint Then
strFrom(extCounter) = "controlPt_" & _
str(intFromData - visControlPoint + 1)
strFrom(extCounter) = "???"
End If
' Debug.Print "From " & vsoConnectFrom(extCounter).Name & " " & strFrom(extCounter)
Next extCounter
extCounter0 = extCounter
Next k
ConnectedCells1 = Array(vsoConnectTo, strTo, vsoConnectFrom, strFrom)
If False Then 'debug
For j = 0 To UBound(ConnectedCells1) - 1
ar = ConnectedCells1(j)
text = ""
For I = 0 To UBound(ar) - 1
text = text & ar(I) & " "
Next I
'Debug.Print j & " " & text
Next j
End If
ConnectedCells = ConnectedCells1
End Function